package pf::SNMP::Nortel; =head1 NAME pf::SNMP::Nortel - Object oriented module to access SNMP enabled Nortel switches =head1 SYNOPSIS The pf::SNMP::Nortel module implements an object oriented interface to access SNMP enabled Nortel switches. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS =over =item BayStack Sometimes switches that were previously in a stacked setup will report security violations as if they were still stacked. You will notice security authorization made on wrong ifIndexes. A factory reset will resolve the situation. We experienced the issue with a BayStack 470 running but we believe it affects other BayStacks and firmwares. =back =cut use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use base ('pf::SNMP'); use Log::Log4perl; use Net::SNMP; use pf::config; =head1 METHODS TODO: This list is incomplete =over =cut sub getVersion { my ($this) = @_; my $oid_s5ChasVer = ''; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return ''; } $logger->trace("SNMP get_request for s5ChasVer: $oid_s5ChasVer"); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead} ->get_request( -varbindlist => [$oid_s5ChasVer] ); if ( exists( $result->{$oid_s5ChasVer} ) && ( $result->{$oid_s5ChasVer} ne 'noSuchInstance' ) ) { return $result->{$oid_s5ChasVer}; } return ''; } sub parseTrap { my ( $this, $trapString ) = @_; my $trapHashRef; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( $trapString =~ /^BEGIN TYPE ([23]) END TYPE BEGIN SUBTYPE 0 END SUBTYPE BEGIN VARIABLEBINDINGS \.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.2\.2\.1\.1\.(\d+) = INTEGER: \d+\|\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.2\.2\.1\.7\.\d+ = INTEGER: [^|]+\|\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.2\.2\.1\.8\.\d+ = INTEGER: [^)]+\)/ ) { $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = ( ( $1 == 2 ) ? "down" : "up" ); $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} = $2; } elsif ( $trapString =~ /\|\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.45\.1\.6\.5\.3\.12\.1\.3\.(\d+)\.(\d+) = Hex-STRING: ([0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2})/ ) { $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = 'secureMacAddrViolation'; $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} = ( $1 - $this->getFirstBoardIndex() ) * $this->getBoardIndexWidth() + $2; $trapHashRef->{'trapMac'} = lc($3); $trapHashRef->{'trapMac'} =~ s/ /:/g; $trapHashRef->{'trapVlan'} = $this->getVlan( $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} ); $logger->debug( "ifIndex for " . $trapHashRef->{'trapMac'} . " on switch " . $this->{_ip} . " is " . $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} ); } else { $logger->debug("trap currently not handled"); $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = 'unknown'; } return $trapHashRef; } sub getTrunkPorts { my ($this) = @_; my $OID_rcVlanPortType = ''; #RC-VLAN-MIB my @trunkPorts; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return -1; } $logger->trace("SNMP get_table for rcVlanPortType: $OID_rcVlanPortType"); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_table( -baseoid => $OID_rcVlanPortType ); if ( defined($result) ) { foreach my $key ( keys %{$result} ) { if ( $result->{$key} == 2 ) { $key =~ /^$OID_rcVlanPortType\.(\d+)$/; push @trunkPorts, $1; $logger->info( "Switch " . $this->{_ip} . " trunk port: $1" ); } } } else { $logger->warn( "Problem while reading rcVlanPortType for switch " . $this->{_ip} ); return -1; } return @trunkPorts; } sub getUpLinks { my ($this) = @_; my @upLinks; if ( lc(@{ $this->{_uplink} }[0]) eq 'dynamic' ) { @upLinks = $this->getTrunkPorts(); } else { @upLinks = @{ $this->{_uplink} }; } return @upLinks; } sub getVoiceVlan { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); return ( $this->{_voiceVlan} || -1 ); } sub getVlans { my $this = shift; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $OID_rcVlanName = ''; #RC-VLAN-MIB my $vlans = {}; if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return $vlans; } $logger->trace("SNMP get_table for rcVlanName: $OID_rcVlanName"); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_table( -baseoid => $OID_rcVlanName ); if ( defined($result) ) { foreach my $key ( keys %{$result} ) { $key =~ /^$OID_rcVlanName\.(\d+)$/; $vlans->{$1} = $result->{$key}; } } return $vlans; } sub isDefinedVlan { my ( $this, $vlan ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $OID_rcVlanName = ''; #RC-VLAN-MIB if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return 0; } $logger->trace("SNMP get_request for rcVlanName: $OID_rcVlanName.$vlan"); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead} ->get_request( -varbindlist => ["$OID_rcVlanName.$vlan"] ); return ( defined($result) && exists( $result->{"$OID_rcVlanName.$vlan"} ) && ( $result->{"$OID_rcVlanName.$vlan"} ne 'noSuchInstance' ) ); } sub getAllVlans { my ( $this, @ifIndexes ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $vlanHashRef; if ( !@ifIndexes ) { @ifIndexes = $this->getManagedIfIndexes(); } my $OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId = ''; # RC-VLAN-MIB if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return $vlanHashRef; } $logger->trace( "SNMP get_table for rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId: $OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId" ); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead} ->get_table( -baseoid => $OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId ); foreach my $key ( keys %{$result} ) { my $vlan = $result->{$key}; $key =~ /^$OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId\.(\d+)$/; my $ifIndex = $1; if ( grep( { $_ == $ifIndex } @ifIndexes ) > 0 ) { $vlanHashRef->{$ifIndex} = $vlan; } } return $vlanHashRef; } sub getVlan { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId = ''; # RC-VLAN-MIB my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return 0; } $logger->trace( "SNMP get_request for rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId: $OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId.$ifIndex" ); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_request( -varbindlist => ["$OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId.$ifIndex"] ); return $result->{"$OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId.$ifIndex"}; } sub _setVlan { my ( $this, $ifIndex, $newVlan, $oldVlan, $switch_locker_ref ) = @_; my $OID_rcVlanPortMembers = ''; #RC-VLAN-MIB my $OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId = ''; #RC-VLAN-MIB my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $result; if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return 0; } if ( !$this->connectWrite() ) { return 0; } $logger->trace( "locking - trying to lock \$switch_locker{" . $this->{_ip} . "} in _setVlan" ); { lock %{ $switch_locker_ref->{ $this->{_ip} } }; $logger->trace( "locking - \$switch_locker{" . $this->{_ip} . "} locked in _setVlan" ); $logger->trace("SNMP get_request for rcVlanPortMembers"); $this->{_sessionRead}->translate(0); $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_request( -varbindlist => [ "$OID_rcVlanPortMembers.$oldVlan", "$OID_rcVlanPortMembers.$newVlan" ] ); $this->{_sessionRead}->translate(1); my $oldPortMembers = $this->modifyBitmask( $result->{"$OID_rcVlanPortMembers.$oldVlan"}, $ifIndex, 0 ); my $newPortMembers = $this->modifyBitmask( $result->{"$OID_rcVlanPortMembers.$newVlan"}, $ifIndex, 1 ); $logger->trace( "SNMP set_request for OID_rcVlanPortMembers: $OID_rcVlanPortMembers"); $result = $this->{_sessionWrite}->set_request( -varbindlist => [ "$OID_rcVlanPortMembers.$newVlan", Net::SNMP::OCTET_STRING, $newPortMembers, "$OID_rcVlanPortMembers.$oldVlan", Net::SNMP::OCTET_STRING, $oldPortMembers, "$OID_rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId.$ifIndex", Net::SNMP::INTEGER, $newVlan ] ); } $logger->trace( "locking - \$switch_locker{" . $this->{_ip} . "} unlocked in _setVlan" ); # if $result is defined, it works we can return $TRUE return $TRUE if (defined($result)); # otherwise report failure $logger->warn("setting VLAN failed with " . $this->{_sessionWrite}->error()); return; } =item getBoardIndexWidth How many ifIndex there is per board. It changed with a firmware upgrade so it is encapsulated per switch module. Default is 64 =cut sub getBoardIndexWidth { return 64; } =item getFirstBoardIndex First board id varies from one BayStack to another based on what seems to be cosmic rays. This method is useful to work-around that problem. Should return either 0 or 1 =cut sub getFirstBoardIndex { my ($this) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return 1; } my $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgBrdIndx = ''; my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_next_request(-varbindlist => [$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgBrdIndx]); foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$result} ) { if($key =~ /^$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgBrdIndx\.(\d+)/){ return $1; } } $logger->warn("unable to fetch first board index. Will assume it's 1"); return 1; } sub getBoardPortFromIfIndex { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $board = ($this->getFirstBoardIndex() + int( $ifIndex / $this->getBoardIndexWidth() )); my $port = ( $ifIndex % $this->getBoardIndexWidth() ); return ( $board, $port ); } sub getIfIndexFromBoardPort { my ( $this, $board, $port ) = @_; return ( ( $board - $this->getFirstBoardIndex() ) * $this->getBoardIndexWidth() + $port ); } sub getAllSecureMacAddresses { my ($this) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType = ''; #S5-SWITCH-BAYSECURE-MIB my $secureMacAddrHashRef = {}; if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return $secureMacAddrHashRef; } my $result = $this->{_sessionRead} ->get_table( -baseoid => "$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType" ); while ( my ( $oid_including_mac, $ctrlType ) = each( %{$result} ) ) { if (( $oid_including_mac =~ /^$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/ ) && ( $ctrlType == 1 ) ) { my $boardIndx = $1; my $portIndx = $2; my $ifIndex = $this->getIfIndexFromBoardPort( $boardIndx, $portIndx ); my $oldMac = sprintf( "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 ); push @{ $secureMacAddrHashRef->{$oldMac}->{$ifIndex} }, $this->getVlan($ifIndex); } } return $secureMacAddrHashRef; } sub getSecureMacAddresses { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType = ''; #S5-SWITCH-BAYSECURE-MIB my $secureMacAddrHashRef = {}; if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return $secureMacAddrHashRef; } my ( $boardIndx, $portIndx ) = $this->getBoardPortFromIfIndex($ifIndex); my $oldVlan = $this->getVlan($ifIndex); $logger->trace( "SNMP get_table for s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType: $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType.$boardIndx.$portIndx" ); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_table( -baseoid => "$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType.$boardIndx.$portIndx" ); while ( my ( $oid_including_mac, $ctrlType ) = each( %{$result} ) ) { if (( $oid_including_mac =~ /^$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType\.$boardIndx\.$portIndx\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/ ) && ( $ctrlType == 1 ) ) { my $oldMac = sprintf( "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 ); push @{ $secureMacAddrHashRef->{$oldMac} }, $oldVlan; } } return $secureMacAddrHashRef; } sub getMaxMacAddresses { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); #so that everything runs like on a Cisco return 2; } sub authorizeMAC { my ( $this, $ifIndex, $deauthMac, $authMac, $deauthVlan, $authVlan ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( ($deauthMac) && ( !$this->isFakeMac($deauthMac) ) ) { $this->_authorizeMAC( $ifIndex, $deauthMac, 0 ); } if ( ($authMac) && ( !$this->isFakeMac($authMac) ) ) { $this->_authorizeMAC( $ifIndex, $authMac, 1 ); } return 1; } #called with $authorized set to true, creates a new line to authorize the MAC #when $authorized is set to false, deletes an existing line sub _authorizeMAC { my ( $this, $ifIndex, $MACHexString, $authorize ) = @_; my $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType = ''; my $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgStatus = ''; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->isProductionMode() ) { $logger->info( "not in production mode ... we won't delete an entry from the SecureMacAddrTable" ); return 1; } my ( $boardIndx, $portIndx ) = $this->getBoardPortFromIfIndex($ifIndex); my $cfgStatus = ($authorize) ? 2 : 3; #convert MAC into decimal #TODO extract this logic into a MAC2OID sub in util my @MACArray = split( /:/, $MACHexString ); my $MACDecString = ''; foreach my $hexPiece (@MACArray) { if ( $MACDecString ne '' ) { $MACDecString .= "."; } $MACDecString .= hex($hexPiece); } if ( !$this->connectWrite() ) { return 0; } my $result; if ($authorize) { $logger->trace( "SNMP set_request for s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType: $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType" ); $result = $this->{_sessionWrite}->set_request( -varbindlist => [ "$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgAccessCtrlType.$boardIndx.$portIndx.$MACDecString", Net::SNMP::INTEGER, 1, "$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgStatus.$boardIndx.$portIndx.$MACDecString", Net::SNMP::INTEGER, $cfgStatus ] ); } else { $logger->trace( "SNMP set_request for s5SbsAuthCfgStatus: $OID_s5SbsAuthCfgStatus" ); $result = $this->{_sessionWrite}->set_request( -varbindlist => [ "$OID_s5SbsAuthCfgStatus.$boardIndx.$portIndx.$MACDecString", Net::SNMP::INTEGER, $cfgStatus ] ); } return ( defined($result) ); } sub isDynamicPortSecurityEnabled { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; return 0; } sub isStaticPortSecurityEnabled { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; return 1; } sub setPortSecurityEnableByIfIndex { my ( $this, $ifIndex, $trueFalse ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); $logger->info("function not implemented yet"); return 1; } sub isPortSecurityEnabled { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my $oid_s5SbsSecurityStatus = ''; my $oid_s5SbsSecurityAction = ''; my $oid_s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus = ''; # careful readers will notice that we don't use getBoardPortFromIfIndex here. # That's because Nortel thought that it made sense to start BoardIndexes differently for different OIDs # on the same switch!!! my $boardIndx = (1 + int( $ifIndex / $this->getBoardIndexWidth() )); my $portIndx = ( $ifIndex % $this->getBoardIndexWidth() ); my $s5SbsSecurityStatus = undef; my $s5SbsSecurityAction = undef; my $s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus = undef; if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return 0; } $logger->trace( "SNMP get_next_request for s5SbsSecurityStatus: $oid_s5SbsSecurityStatus and " . "s5SbsSecurityAction: $oid_s5SbsSecurityAction" ); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_next_request( -varbindlist => [ "$oid_s5SbsSecurityStatus", "$oid_s5SbsSecurityAction" ] ); foreach my $oid ( keys %{$result} ) { if ( $oid =~ /^$oid_s5SbsSecurityStatus/ ) { $s5SbsSecurityStatus = $result->{$oid}; } elsif ( $oid =~ /^$oid_s5SbsSecurityAction/ ) { $s5SbsSecurityAction = $result->{$oid}; if ( $s5SbsSecurityAction == 2 ) { $logger->warn( "s5SbsSecurityAction is 2 (trap) ... should be 6 (filter and trap)" ); } } } $logger->trace( "SNMP get_request for s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus: $oid_s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus" ); $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_request( -varbindlist => [ "$oid_s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus.$boardIndx.$portIndx." ] ); foreach my $oid ( keys %{$result} ) { if ( $oid =~ /^${oid_s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus}\.${boardIndx}\.${portIndx}\.0\.0\.0\.0\.0\.0/ ) { $s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus = $result->{$oid}; } } # error conditions return $FALSE if (!defined($s5SbsSecurityStatus) || $s5SbsSecurityStatus eq 'noSuchInstance'); return $FALSE if (!defined($s5SbsSecurityAction) || $s5SbsSecurityAction eq 'noSuchInstance'); return ( $s5SbsSecurityStatus == 1 && ( $s5SbsSecurityAction == 6 || $s5SbsSecurityAction == 2 ) && (!defined($s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus) || $s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus eq 'noSuchInstance' || $s5SbsCurrentPortSecurStatus >= 2) ); } sub getPhonesDPAtIfIndex { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my @phones; if ( !$this->isVoIPEnabled() ) { $logger->debug( "VoIP not enabled on switch " . $this->{_ip} . ". getPhonesDPAtIfIndex will return empty list." ); return @phones; } return $this->getPhonesLLDPAtIfIndex($ifIndex); } sub getPhonesLLDPAtIfIndex { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); my @phones; if ( !$this->isVoIPEnabled() ) { $logger->debug( "VoIP not enabled on switch " . $this->{_ip} . ". getPhonesLLDPAtIfIndex will return empty list." ); return @phones; } my $oid_lldpRemPortId = '1.0.8802.'; my $oid_lldpRemSysDesc = '1.0.8802.'; if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return @phones; } $logger->trace( "SNMP get_next_request for lldpRemSysDesc: $oid_lldpRemSysDesc"); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead} ->get_next_request( -varbindlist => ["$oid_lldpRemSysDesc"] ); foreach my $oid ( keys %{$result} ) { if ( $oid =~ /^$oid_lldpRemSysDesc\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/ ) { if ( $ifIndex eq $2 ) { my $cache_lldpRemTimeMark = $1; my $cache_lldpRemLocalPortNum = $2; my $cache_lldpRemIndex = $3; if ( $result->{$oid} =~ /^Nortel IP Telephone/ ) { $logger->trace( "SNMP get_request for lldpRemPortId: $oid_lldpRemPortId.$cache_lldpRemTimeMark.$cache_lldpRemLocalPortNum.$cache_lldpRemIndex" ); my $MACresult = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_request( -varbindlist => [ "$oid_lldpRemPortId.$cache_lldpRemTimeMark.$cache_lldpRemLocalPortNum.$cache_lldpRemIndex" ] ); if ($MACresult && ($MACresult->{ "$oid_lldpRemPortId.$cache_lldpRemTimeMark.$cache_lldpRemLocalPortNum.$cache_lldpRemIndex" } =~ /^0x([0-9A-Z]{2})([0-9A-Z]{2})([0-9A-Z]{2})([0-9A-Z]{2})([0-9A-Z]{2})([0-9A-Z]{2})$/i ) ) { push @phones, lc("$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6"); } } } } } return @phones; } sub isVoIPEnabled { my ($this) = @_; return ( $this->{_VoIPEnabled} == 1 ); } =back =head1 AUTHOR Regis Balzard Dominik Gehl Olivier Bilodeau =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Inverse inc. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. =cut 1; # vim: set shiftwidth=4: # vim: set expandtab: # vim: set backspace=indent,eol,start: