PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001003PacketFencehardware modulespublic2010-06-03 10:542012-10-19 14:11
normalminorhave not tried
resolvedno change required 
0001003: Is it better to do some 'write mem' with port-security
we should think about doing some 'write mem' regularly (every 15 min?) on each switch using port-security. This way we would avoid receiving gazillions of port-security traps when there is a major power outage and many switches reboot at the same time.
- make sure that when we write mem, static port-security MAC addresses are saved in the config
- how often should we do that ? every 15, 30 mins
- add this feature to pfmon ?
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Issue History
2010-06-03 10:54rbalzardNew Issue
2010-06-03 10:54rbalzardStatusnew => assigned
2010-06-03 10:54rbalzardAssigned To => rbalzard
2010-09-15 11:39obilodeauTarget Version1.9.1 => 1.9.2
2010-09-22 16:02obilodeauTarget Version1.9.2 => 1.9.3
2010-11-19 14:39obilodeauCategory1.9.x => feature
2012-02-29 10:55obilodeauCategoryfeature => hardware modules
2012-10-19 14:11fgaudreaultNote Added: 0003185
2012-10-19 14:11fgaudreaultStatusassigned => resolved
2012-10-19 14:11fgaudreaultResolutionopen => no change required
2012-10-19 14:11fgaudreaultReporterrbalzard => fgaudreault
2012-10-19 14:11fgaudreaultAssigned Torbalzard =>
2012-10-19 14:11fgaudreaultTarget Version1.9.3 =>

2012-10-19 14:11   
Use a cron with the proper addons script. See documentation.