PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001174PacketFencehardware modulespublic2011-02-03 15:222015-02-13 15:26
0001174: isDot1xEnabled() a la isPortSecurityEnabled()
Based on some findings made in 0001128, if a user forgets to disable security and/or link traps to PacketFence it will try to act based on them.

We need a wrapper like isPortSecurityEnabled() to be called and verify if dot1x or MAC Auth hasn't been enabled too in which case they take precedence and we do not act on the trap.

Also, we might take this as an opportunity to refactor that code to be cleaner and less "all in one big ass method".

Hint of MIBs to look at:
dot1xPaeSystemAuthControl OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "The administrative enable/disable state for
         Port Access Control in a System."

dot1xPaePortCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      BITS {
                        -- Authenticator functions are supported
                        -- Supplicant functions are supported
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "Indicates the PAE functionality that this Port
        supports and that may be managed through this MIB."

- 802.1X is activated and we receive a security or a up/down trap. What happens?
** PF is setting the port to the MAC Detection VLAN, and tries to get the MAC address on the ifIndex, but fails :
Jan 18 11:19:26 pfsetvlan(1) INFO: up trap received on ifIndex 10004 (main::handleTrap)
Jan 18 11:19:26 pfsetvlan(1) INFO: setting port 10004 to MAC detection VLAN (main::handleTrap)
Jan 18 11:21:33 pfsetvlan(5) WARN: couldn't get MAC at ifIndex 10004. This is a problem. (pf::SNMP::_getMacAtIfIndex)
Jan 18 11:21:33 pfsetvlan(5) WARN: Tried to grab MAC address at ifIndex 10004 on switch 30 times and failed (main::handleTrap)
Jan 18 11:21:33 pfsetvlan(5) INFO: cannot find MAC (maybe we found a VoIP, but they don't count here). Do nothing (main::handleTrap)
Jan 18 11:21:33 pfsetvlan(5) INFO: finished (main::cleanupAfterThread)
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related to 0001128closed fgaudreault 802.1X / MAC Authentication tests 
Issue History
2011-02-03 15:22obilodeauNew Issue
2011-02-03 15:22obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2011-02-03 15:22obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2011-02-03 15:22obilodeauRelationship addedrelated to 0001128
2011-03-03 15:19obilodeauTarget Version2.0.2 => +1
2015-02-13 15:26lmunroNote Added: 0003733
2015-02-13 15:26lmunroStatusassigned => closed

2015-02-13 15:26   
Old issues.
Most are not relevant to PF 4 and up.

Let's reopen the ones that matter when we move to github.