PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001331PacketFencecorepublic2011-11-09 12:422015-02-13 15:26
0001331: Swtich in Disovery mode logs node connection details
What would be beneficial to our environment would be able to put a switch in discovery mode and it does the following
- does not check the managed VLANs for that switch
- logs the node location, and any VLAN from learnt trap, and IP
- removes node active location from remove trap
- triggers alert violations

It would not
- contact the switch to perform any SNMP writes (setVLAN, bouncepPort, etc)
I've been able to accomplish this somewhat through the modification of the pfsetvlan file in the pf/sbin/ folder. I've marked the mods with comments of Josh Fisk. I'm not the most efficient programmer and I've done this through trial and error. However, my version does not look at the mode which the switch is in, it simply does this no matter the mode.

Code Review
related to 0001262closed  Several Mods to /provide mail form/update db table/mod SNMP for 'stealth mode' 
? pfsetvlan (82,238) 2011-11-09 12:42
Issue History
2011-11-09 12:42packetfence4meNew Issue
2011-11-09 12:42packetfence4meFile Added: pfsetvlan
2011-11-11 10:27obilodeauNote Added: 0002434
2011-11-11 10:27obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2011-11-11 10:27obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2011-11-11 10:27obilodeauCategoryfeature => core
2011-11-11 10:27obilodeauTarget Version => +1
2011-11-11 10:27obilodeauTag Attached: Code Review
2011-11-11 11:35packetfence4meNote Added: 0002437
2011-11-11 15:41packetfence4meNote Added: 0002438
2012-02-09 14:18obilodeauRelationship addedrelated to 0001262
2015-02-13 15:26lmunroNote Added: 0003722
2015-02-13 15:26lmunroStatusassigned => closed

2011-11-11 10:27   
I haven't looked at the code but the concept you describe is definitely in the right direction with what the discovery mode should be.

I'll review it and see where we can take it from there. Thanks for taking the time to push upstream!
2011-11-11 11:35   
Ah, so after going through it again, it looks like the location (switch, port, VLAN) does show up but only under Node:Lookup. However the active location doesn't show up in the Node:View. I was hoping that under discovery mode the node locations show up in the Node:View so that I can export to a spreadsheet.

I'm also seeing the trigger of violations while in discovery mode: my fault.

But one thing that would be nice would be the option, in discovery mode, to ignore if the VLAN has been configured as a Managed VLAN.

Thanks for your help
2011-11-11 15:41   
I've been exploring the discovery mode option and I'm not sure if the locationlog functionality is fully there. There seems to be issues with updating the location from the snmp trap from the switch. The dhcplistener updates the node info great. But I'm have problems with the snmp trap updating the location.
2015-02-13 15:26   
Old issues.
Most are not relevant to PF 4 and up.

Let's reopen the ones that matter when we move to github.