PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001360PacketFenceconfigurationpublic2012-01-10 05:312012-06-14 12:20
normalmajorhave not tried
closedwon't fix 
0001360: Packetfence Native VLAN assignment

I am configuring Packetfence for my Production environment. Issue is with the Packetfence NATIVE VLAN. We use VLAN 99 as NATIVE VLAN but PF is using VLAN 1 as native VLAN (ETH0) by default. When I configure the switch port to Native VLAN 99, PF lose network connectivity. In test environment everything works fine as the NATIVE VLAN is configured as 1.

Please let me know if there are any changes required in PF.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2012-01-10 05:31ksolangiNew Issue
2012-01-10 07:25fgaudreaultNote Added: 0002521
2012-01-10 07:25fgaudreaultStatusnew => resolved
2012-01-10 07:25fgaudreaultResolutionopen => won't fix
2012-01-10 07:25fgaudreaultAssigned To => fgaudreault
2012-01-10 10:40obilodeauNote Added: 0002525
2012-04-18 10:05obilodeauNote Added: 0002662
2012-04-18 10:05obilodeauView Statusprivate => public
2012-06-14 12:20obilodeauStatusresolved => closed

2012-01-10 07:25   
This is not a bug, it's a network configuration issue on the switch side.

Please post your question on the packetfence-users mailing list instead.
2012-01-10 10:40   
To add to Francois' answer (and for future reference): eth0 on the server will receive all untagged packets. Refer to the configuration of the port facing PacketFence on your switch to determine what VLAN to untag. If you want them to get in tagged. Add a VLAN interface (will look like eth0.99).
2012-04-18 10:05   
making public