PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
View Issue Details
0001443PacketFencehardware modulespublic2012-05-07 13:582012-06-14 12:19
normalfeaturehave not tried
closedno change required 
0001443: Compatibility with Cisco 2960S
Is the Cisco 2960S switch compatible with Packetfence ? (on the list I only read about the 2960, without the S)

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,
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Issue History
2012-05-07 13:58jeanfrancoismsikaNew Issue
2012-05-07 16:53ludovicNote Added: 0002699
2012-05-08 08:55obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2012-05-08 08:55obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2012-05-08 08:56obilodeauNote Added: 0002702
2012-05-08 08:57obilodeauNote Edited: 0002702
2012-05-08 09:01jeanfrancoismsikaNote Added: 0002703
2012-05-08 09:14obilodeauStatusassigned => resolved
2012-05-08 09:14obilodeauResolutionopen => no change required
2012-06-14 12:19obilodeauNote Added: 0002782
2012-06-14 12:19obilodeauView Statusprivate => public
2012-06-14 12:19obilodeauStatusresolved => closed

2012-05-07 16:53   
Yes, it is fully supported. We haven't tested it in stacked mode but beside that, things should work perfectly.
2012-05-08 08:56   
(edited on: 2012-05-08 08:57)
Are they different enough so that we should explicitly mark the S version as supported?

Stacked configuration work for 2960 so I don't see any reason for the S variant to be broken as they share the same code.

2012-05-08 09:01   
I was confident the switch should be supported. I just needed a confirmation that no specific issue was discovered. Thanks for your help !
2012-06-14 12:19   
Making issue public.

Next time try to open public issues so anyone can benefit. Only security issues should be private.