PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001456PacketFenceconfigurationpublic2012-05-30 23:232012-06-13 08:47
normalminorhave not tried
closedno change required 
0001456: centos 6 gives broken config
followed started config and got:

# service packetfence start                                         
Starting PacketFence...Checking configuration sanity...                         
Use of uninitialized value $captive_portal in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/
pf/lib/pf/pfcmd/ line 770.                                            
FATAL - internal network(s) not defined!                                        
FATAL - networks.conf cannot be empty when services.dhcpd is enabled            
FATAL - networks.conf cannot be empty when services.named is enabled            
FATAL - Apache will fail to start! /usr/local/pf/lib/pf/web/captiveportal_modper doesn't compile                                                    
WARNING - switches.conf | Switch type (pf::SNMP::Cisco::Catalyst_2900XL) is inva
lid for switch
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? (530) 2012-06-02 00:21
Issue History
2012-05-30 23:23obilodeauNew Issue
2012-05-30 23:24obilodeauNote Added: 0002740
2012-06-02 00:21barryqFile Added:
2012-06-02 00:24barryqNote Added: 0002741
2012-06-13 08:46obilodeauNote Added: 0002764
2012-06-13 08:47obilodeauStatusnew => closed
2012-06-13 08:47obilodeauResolutionopen => no change required

2012-05-30 23:24   
thinking about it, it's probably due to the lack of vlan interfaces...
2012-06-02 00:24   
Looks like the same issue I just went through, documented on the mailing list, titled "upgrade from 3.1.0 to 3.3.2 empty pf.conf after". The version of Config::IniFiles currenty in the Cent repo 2.72-1 is broken. The function GroupMembers does not return any data, as expected. Updated to 2.75 via CPAN and that corrected the issue. Can be tested with the attacked code
2012-06-13 08:46   
I had installed RPMForge for RHEL5 instead of RHEL6 on the server. Several packages were crippled.

People experiencing this should follow procedure in 0001461 in order to get rid of the el5 packages out of their system.