PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
View Issue Details
0001510PacketFenceconfigurationpublic2012-08-08 14:132015-02-13 15:42
highmajorhave not tried
0001510: users ugprading from a pre new-configurator era won't have conf/currently-at
We will need to give some thoughts about this and try to nail several use cases:
- packaged users
- packaged users from before 3.5.0
- packaged users from 3.5.0
- source users (note in UPGRADE probably enough)

Otherwise we won't be able to reliably provide HTML-based upgrade instructions or automation.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2012-08-08 14:13obilodeauNew Issue
2012-08-08 14:14obilodeauNote Added: 0002924
2015-02-13 15:42lmunroNote Added: 0003832
2015-02-13 15:42lmunroStatusnew => closed

2012-08-08 14:14   
we'll probably meet and discuss about this shortly
2015-02-13 15:42   
These bugs have been sitting untouched since 2012.
Closing them and possibly reopening in github tracker where relevant.