PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001677PacketFence802.1xpublic2013-08-01 18:242015-02-18 11:03
closedwon't fix 
0001677: No VLAN name can be found when doing EAP
ver 4.0.3

Packetfence can't find vlan number for a node after successful EAP-PEAP authentication.

Aug 01 15:55:48 pf::WebAPI(10383) INFO: handling radius autz request: from switch_ip =>, connection_type => Wireless-802.11-EAP mac => 64:80:99:6e:68:c0, port => 650, username => victor.shustov (pf::radius::authorize)
Aug 01 15:55:48 pf::WebAPI(10383) WARN: Unable to extract SSID for module pf::SNMP::Cisco::Aironet_1130. SSID-based VLAN assignments won't work. Make sure you enable Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) on the AP if you want them to work. (pf::SNMP::Cisco::Aironet::extractSsid)
Aug 01 15:55:48 pf::WebAPI(10383) WARN: No parameter Vlan found in conf/switches.conf for the switch (pf::SNMP::getVlanByName)
Aug 01 15:55:48 pf::WebAPI(10383) WARN: Resolved VLAN for node is not properly defined: Replacing with macDetectionVlan (pf::vlan::fetchVlanForNode)
Aug 01 15:55:48 pf::WebAPI(10383) INFO: MAC: 64:80:99:6e:68:c0, PID:, Status: reg. Returned VLAN: 1 (pf::vlan::fetchVlanForNode)
Aug 01 15:55:48 pf::WebAPI(10383) WARN: Role-based Network Access Control is not supported on network device type pf::SNMP::Cisco::Aironet_1130. (pf::SNMP::supportsRoleBasedEnforcement)

But for the same node it pulls correct vlan when authentication type is noEAP mac-based

Aug 01 16:02:31 pf::WebAPI(10382) INFO: handling radius autz request: from switch_ip =>, connection_type => Wireless-802.11-NoEAP mac => 64:80:99:6e:68:c0, port => 683, username => 6480996e68c0 (pf::radius::authorize)
Aug 01 16:02:31 pf::WebAPI(10382) WARN: Unable to extract SSID for module pf::SNMP::Cisco::Aironet_1130. SSID-based VLAN assignments won't work. Make sure you enable Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) on the AP if you want them to work. (pf::SNMP::Cisco::Aironet::extractSsid)
Aug 01 16:02:31 pf::WebAPI(10382) INFO: MAC: 64:80:99:6e:68:c0, PID:, Status: reg. Returned VLAN: 84 (pf::vlan::fetchVlanForNode)
Aug 01 16:02:31 pf::WebAPI(10382) WARN: Role-based Network Access Control is not supported on network device type pf::SNMP::Cisco::Aironet_1130. (pf::SNMP::supportsRoleBasedEnforcement
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Issue History
2013-08-01 18:24victorNew Issue
2013-08-01 21:05fdurandNote Added: 0003372
2013-08-02 11:41victorNote Added: 0003379
2013-08-02 12:21fdurandNote Added: 0003381
2013-08-02 12:26victorNote Added: 0003382
2013-08-02 14:03victorNote Added: 0003383
2015-02-18 11:03lmunroNote Added: 0003953
2015-02-18 11:03lmunroStatusnew => closed
2015-02-18 11:03lmunroAssigned To => lmunro
2015-02-18 11:03lmunroResolutionopen => won't fix

2013-08-01 21:05   
Hello Victor,
it's normal and i will explain why.
In packetfence your probably set an active directory authentication source with the user attribute cn.
When you do mac authentication the username is and match with an ldap search.
But when you do dot1x the user attribute is victor.shustov so it miss and it doesn't match with the cn.
What you have to do is in the packetfence-tunnel file to change the post-auth section with something like that:

post-auth {
        if ( User-Name =~ /^[^\\]+[\\]+([^\\]+)/ ) {
                update request {
                    User-Name := "%{1}";
        update request {
            User-Name := "%{User-Name}";
        Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
2013-08-02 11:41   
Gotcha! Thanks Fabrice.

I added username victor.shustov with appropriate role to the Users list to test and it works now.

Aug 02 09:19:16 pf::WebAPI(10390) INFO: MAC: 64:80:99:6e:68:c0, PID:, Status: reg. Returned VLAN: 84 (pf::vlan::fetchVlanForNode)

But that brings me to another problem I planned to deal with later: broken LDAP username lookup

Aug 01 11:48:44 register.cgi(0) WARN: Unexpected number of entries found (Net::LDAP::Search=HASH(0xba7ec694)->count) with filter (sAMAccountName=victor.shustov) from ou=Comtech,dc=comtech on 10.X.X.X:389 (pf::Authentication::Source::LDAPSource::authenticate)

I will keep digging into it but if you know a solution off top of your head please tell me ;-)
2013-08-02 12:21   
But should it be ?
2013-08-02 12:26   

 ldapsearch -h X.X.X.X -p 389 -D "CN=***,OU=***,OU=Comtech,DC=comtech" -b "OU=Comtech,DC=comtech" -w *** -x sAMAccountName=victor.shustov sAMAccountName

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <OU=Comtech,DC=comtech> with scope subtree
# filter: sAMAccountName=victor.shustov
# requesting: sAMAccountName

# Victor Shustov, IT, Comtech, comtech
dn: CN=Victor Shustov,OU=IT,OU=Comtech,DC=comtech
sAMAccountName: victor.shustov

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
2013-08-02 14:03   
Never mind. My bad. Should have set LDAP scope to subtree. Now it's all good
2015-02-18 11:03   
Not a bug.