PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001699PacketFenceconfigurationpublic2013-08-22 02:022013-08-22 07:04
tarun gupta 
closedwon't fix 
0001699: Natting Problem
Please help me... i have installed packetfence4.0.5 version on ubuntu 12.04.
and i have configure one management node and one inline node. in management node i give our public ip. and on inline node i give local ip i.e series.
my inline node also act as a dhcp server and i give dns server when i connected any other machine to packetfence. it gives ip to that machine and both will ping each other. but problem is my internet service is not working on other machine which i connected. and when i diagnose that maching it give me dns server is not resposding. i want natting. please help me anybody. its very urgent for me.
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Issue History
2013-08-22 02:02tarun guptaNew Issue
2013-08-22 07:04ludovicNote Added: 0003426
2013-08-22 07:04ludovicStatusnew => closed
2013-08-22 07:04ludovicResolutionopen => won't fix

2013-08-22 07:04   
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