PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001815PacketFenceupgradepublic2014-07-17 07:412014-07-17 08:38
closedno change required 
0001815: 4.3.0 Update
Since I update my 4.2.2 ZEN to 4.3.0 I can not seen any user. In the logfiles I can find that:

[root@rbnac logs]# tail -f httpd.admin.log
Jul 17 13:21:29 httpd.admin(1713) INFO: Changes successfully commited (pfappserver::Base::Controller::Crud::Config::_commitChanges)
Jul 17 13:21:36 httpd.admin(1713) ERROR: Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/FormHandler/ line 133.
Jul 17 13:21:54 httpd.admin(1713) ERROR: Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/FormHandler/ line 133.
Jul 17 13:21:54 httpd.admin(1713) INFO: Changes successfully commited (pfappserver::Base::Controller::Crud::Config::_commitChanges)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) WARN: database query failed with: Unknown column 'p.portal' in 'field list' (errno: 1054), will try again (pf::db::db_query_execute)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) WARN: database query failed with: Unknown column 'p.portal' in 'field list' (errno: 1054), will try again (pf::db::db_query_execute)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) WARN: database query failed with: Unknown column 'p.portal' in 'field list' (errno: 1054), will try again (pf::db::db_query_execute)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) ERROR: Database issue: We tried 3 times to serve query person_view_all_sql_custom called from pf::db::db_data and we failed. Is the database running? (pf::db::db_query_execute)
[root@rbnac logs]# tail -f httpd.admin.log
Jul 17 13:21:29 httpd.admin(1713) INFO: Changes successfully commited (pfappserver::Base::Controller::Crud::Config::_commitChanges)
Jul 17 13:21:36 httpd.admin(1713) ERROR: Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/FormHandler/ line 133.
Jul 17 13:21:54 httpd.admin(1713) ERROR: Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/FormHandler/ line 133.
Jul 17 13:21:54 httpd.admin(1713) INFO: Changes successfully commited (pfappserver::Base::Controller::Crud::Config::_commitChanges)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) WARN: database query failed with: Unknown column 'p.portal' in 'field list' (errno: 1054), will try again (pf::db::db_query_execute)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) WARN: database query failed with: Unknown column 'p.portal' in 'field list' (errno: 1054), will try again (pf::db::db_query_execute)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) WARN: database query failed with: Unknown column 'p.portal' in 'field list' (errno: 1054), will try again (pf::db::db_query_execute)
Jul 17 13:22:02 httpd.admin(1713) ERROR: Database issue: We tried 3 times to serve query person_view_all_sql_custom called from pf::db::db_data and we failed. Is the database running? (pf::db::db_query_execute)
No User in the local Database on the website
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Issue History
2014-07-17 07:41alexxNew Issue
2014-07-17 08:25fdurandNote Added: 0003566
2014-07-17 08:28alexxNote Added: 0003567
2014-07-17 08:28alexxNote Added: 0003568
2014-07-17 08:30fdurandNote Added: 0003569
2014-07-17 08:31alexxNote Added: 0003570
2014-07-17 08:38francisStatusnew => closed
2014-07-17 08:38francisResolutionopen => no change required

2014-07-17 08:25   
Hi Alex,

the database schema must be updated. (cf db directory)

2014-07-17 08:28   
I had have deleted the, I delete the entries with p.portal and p.source
2014-07-17 08:28   

how should I do the Database Update? thx alexx
2014-07-17 08:30 [^]
2014-07-17 08:31   
Thanks a lot, sorry i was blind ;-(