PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence 1.6.2
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0000026PacketFence 1.6.2public2006-05-04 06:392006-05-06 18:14
0000026: max_enables in conf/violations.conf ambiguous ?
I thought that the max_enables option in conf/violations.conf allowed to specify the number of times the user is allowed to re-enable network access once he has been trapped with a given violation. In particular, if max_enables=1 I though that he would get one second chance (i.e. beeing allowed to re-enable his network access 1 time).
Having a look at the violation_close sub, it appears that the violation_count has to be smaller than the max_enables for the network access to be restored (i.e. you have to set max_enables to 2 if you want to give a user a second chance).
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Issue History
2006-05-04 06:39user4New Issue
2006-05-04 06:39user4Note Added: 0000034
2006-05-06 18:14kevmcsStatusnew => closed
2006-05-06 18:14kevmcsNote Added: 0000053
2006-05-06 18:14kevmcsResolutionopen => fixed

2006-05-04 06:39   
Reminder sent to: user4, dlaporte, kevmcs

2006-05-06 18:14 should be fixed

  if ($num <= $max || $max == 0) {

and checked in.