PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000340PacketFencepublic2008-06-26 10:452008-09-19 11:49
0000340: use more SNMP log subcategories
Right now there are 2 loggers in pfsetvlan:


When putting rootLogger to TRACE, the amount of logs is incredibly huge (!!): many Gig in 1 hour.

We need to create more sub-categories like pf.SNMP in order to be able to better decide what needs to be logged.

Right now, I think there might be:
- a category for everything related to lock (including trap parsing, trap handling and trap cleanup)
- a category or maybe 2 for trap parsing
- a category for trap handling
- a category for trap cleanup (post-handling process)
- a category for everything related to DB

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child of 0000381closed user4 Log management 
Issue History
2008-06-26 10:45rbalzardNew Issue
2008-07-21 08:51user4ProjectPacketFence 1.7 => PacketFence
2008-09-10 16:33user4Relationship addedchild of 0000381
2008-09-10 16:35user4Severityminor => feature
2008-09-10 16:35user4SummaryModify logger management in order to be able to better manage logs => use more SNMP log subcategories
2008-09-19 10:41user4Statusnew => assigned
2008-09-19 10:41user4Assigned To => user4
2008-09-19 11:49user4Statusassigned => closed
2008-09-19 11:49user4Note Added: 0000807
2008-09-19 11:49user4Resolutionopen => fixed

2008-09-19 11:49   
mtn revision 18275056d05b56575429f054d53be6a95c0b170e