PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000502PacketFencecorepublic2008-12-19 13:552012-02-29 10:57
0000502: violation_trigger in pfdhcplistener
violation_trigger calls do not lead to VLAN changes
We'll have to investigate if the violation_trigger calls in pfdhcplistener are ok or should not be replace by pfcmd violation add calls instead.
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related to 0000726closed user4 schedule now and VLAN isolation 
Issue History
2008-12-19 13:55user4New Issue
2008-12-19 14:00user4Note Added: 0000967
2009-01-07 08:28user4Statusnew => assigned
2009-01-07 08:28user4Assigned To => rbalzard
2009-01-07 08:28user4ProjectPacketFence 1.7 => PacketFence
2009-01-12 13:17user4Category1.7.6 => 1.8.0
2009-01-13 11:15rbalzardNote Added: 0000998
2009-01-13 12:06rbalzardNote Added: 0000999
2009-01-13 12:09user4Statusassigned => closed
2009-01-13 12:09user4Note Added: 0001001
2009-01-13 12:09user4Resolutionopen => fixed
2009-06-11 13:20user4Relationship addedrelated to 0000726
2010-04-15 17:53obilodeauCategory1.8.0 => 1.8.x
2012-02-29 10:57obilodeauCategory1.8.x => core

2008-12-19 14:00   
Example of a theoretical scenario where I believe the VLAN would not be changed correctly:
- Win95 is defined as a banned OS in violations.conf
- Win95 PC is configured with fixed IP, is registered and boots
=> no DHCP fingerprint info
- PC gets configured to use DHCP, does a DHCP renew
=> DHCP fingerprint info is received, violation is created by no VLAN change happens
2009-01-13 11:15   
Right, no vlan isolation is done:

Jan 13 11:00:31 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPREQUEST from 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:00:31 pfdhcplistener(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 DHCP fingerprint is OS::503 (RedHat/Fedora-based Linux) (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:00:31 pfdhcplistener(0): grace expired on violation 1100004 for node 00:11:25:14:15:45 (pf::violation::violation_add)
Jan 13 11:00:31 pfdhcplistener(0): violation 1100004 added for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (pf::violation::violation_add)
Jan 13 11:00:31 pfdhcplistener(0): executing action 'email' on class 1100004 (pf::action::action_execute)
Jan 13 11:00:33 pfdhcplistener(0): email regarding 'PF Alert: Ban Ancient OSes detection on 00:11:25:14:15:45' sent to pf@localhost (pf::util::pfmailer)
Jan 13 11:00:33 pfdhcplistener(0): executing action 'log' on class 1100004 (pf::action::action_execute)
Jan 13 11:00:33 pfdhcplistener(0): /usr/local/pf/logs/violation.log 2009-01-13 11:00:33: Ban Ancient OSes (1100004) detected on node 00:11:25:14:15:45 ( (pf::action::action_log)
Jan 13 11:00:33 pfdhcplistener(0): executing action 'trap' on class 1100004 (pf::action::action_execute)
Jan 13 11:00:33 pfdhcplistener(0): modifying node 00:11:25:14:15:45 with last_dhcp = 2009-01-13 11:00:33,dhcp_fingerprint = 1,28,2,3,15,6,12,40,41,42 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:00:33 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPACK from (00:03:47:a5:09:e8) to host 00:11:25:14:15:45 ( for 300 seconds (main::listen_dhcp)
2009-01-13 12:06   
ok now it's working:

Jan 13 11:48:01 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPREQUEST from 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:01 pfdhcplistener(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 DHCP fingerprint is OS::503 (RedHat/Fedora-based Linux) (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:03 pfcmd(0): pfcmd calling violation_add for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::command_param)
Jan 13 11:48:03 pfcmd(0): violation 1100004 already exists for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (pf::violation::violation_add)
Jan 13 11:48:03 pfcmd(0): VLAN isolation is enabled and violation_add is part of adjustswitchportvlanreasons (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:03 pfcmd(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 is currentlog connected at ifIndex 16 in VLAN 3 (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:03 pfcmd(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 has 1 open violations(s) with action=trap; belongs into isolation VLAN. (pf::vlan::vlan_determine_for_node)
Jan 13 11:48:03 pfcmd(0): new correct VLAN for 00:11:25:14:15:45 is 3 (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:04 pfdhcplistener(0): modifying node 00:11:25:14:15:45 with last_dhcp = 2009-01-13 11:48:04,dhcp_fingerprint = 1,28,2,3,15,6,12,40,41,42 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:08 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPDISCOVER from 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:08 pfdhcplistener(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 DHCP fingerprint is OS::503 (RedHat/Fedora-based Linux) (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfcmd(0): pfcmd calling violation_add for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::command_param)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfcmd(0): violation 1100004 already exists for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (pf::violation::violation_add)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfcmd(0): VLAN isolation is enabled and violation_add is part of adjustswitchportvlanreasons (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfcmd(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 is currentlog connected at ifIndex 16 in VLAN 3 (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfcmd(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 has 1 open violations(s) with action=trap; belongs into isolation VLAN. (pf::vlan::vlan_determine_for_node)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfcmd(0): new correct VLAN for 00:11:25:14:15:45 is 3 (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfdhcplistener(0): modifying node 00:11:25:14:15:45 with last_dhcp = 2009-01-13 11:48:10,dhcp_fingerprint = 1,28,2,3,15,6,12,40,41,42 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPOFFER from (00:03:47:a5:09:e8) to host 00:11:25:14:15:45 ( (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:10 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPREQUEST from 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:11 pfdhcplistener(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 DHCP fingerprint is OS::503 (RedHat/Fedora-based Linux) (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfcmd(0): pfcmd calling violation_add for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (main::command_param)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfcmd(0): violation 1100004 already exists for 00:11:25:14:15:45 (pf::violation::violation_add)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfcmd(0): VLAN isolation is enabled and violation_add is part of adjustswitchportvlanreasons (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfcmd(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 is currentlog connected at ifIndex 16 in VLAN 3 (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfcmd(0): 00:11:25:14:15:45 has 1 open violations(s) with action=trap; belongs into isolation VLAN. (pf::vlan::vlan_determine_for_node)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfcmd(0): new correct VLAN for 00:11:25:14:15:45 is 3 (main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfdhcplistener(0): modifying node 00:11:25:14:15:45 with last_dhcp = 2009-01-13 11:48:13,dhcp_fingerprint = 1,28,2,3,15,6,12,40,41,42 (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfdhcplistener(0): DHCPACK from (00:03:47:a5:09:e8) to host 00:11:25:14:15:45 ( for 300 seconds (main::listen_dhcp)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfdhcplistener(0): resolved to mac (00:11:25:14:15:45) in ARP table (pf::iplog::ip2macinarp)
Jan 13 11:48:13 pfdhcplistener(0): oldip ( and newip ( are different for 00:11:25:14:15:45 - closing iplog entry (main::update_iplog)
2009-01-13 12:09   
fixed in mtn revision 10a81c45ab7669d6f52ff72fd34330f3d20c3bb1