PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
View Issue Details
0000562PacketFence802.1xpublic2009-02-04 11:062012-10-19 10:21
closedno change required 
0000562: re-engineering of isPhone()
there should be a custom_isPhone() in in which we could put a custom pattern.
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Issue History
2009-02-04 11:06rbalzardNew Issue
2009-03-03 15:22user4Category1.8.1 => 1.8.2
2009-04-13 13:38user4Category1.8.2 => 1.8.3
2009-06-05 08:53user4ProjectPacketFence => PacketFence 1.9
2010-04-15 17:43obilodeauProjectPacketFence 1.9 => PacketFence
2011-01-18 11:41obilodeauTarget Version => 2.1.0
2011-03-03 15:15obilodeauTarget Version2.1.0 => +1
2011-03-03 15:18obilodeauTarget Version+1 => +2
2011-03-07 11:05obilodeauNote Added: 0001899
2011-03-07 11:05obilodeauStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-07 11:05obilodeauFixed in Version => 2.0.0
2011-03-07 11:05obilodeauResolutionopen => no change required
2011-03-07 11:05obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2011-05-04 11:51obilodeauStatusresolved => closed
2012-10-19 10:21fgaudreaultReporterrbalzard => 94jaccha95107
2012-10-19 10:21fgaudreaultAssigned Toobilodeau =>
2012-10-19 10:21fgaudreaultCategory => 802.1x
2012-10-19 10:21fgaudreaultTarget Version+2 =>

2011-03-07 11:05   
The areas around isPhone have been reengineered so much that this issue is no longer valid.

Nowadays the client customization should make sure that node.voip is set to VOIP (yes) and the rest should work.