PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000687PacketFencecorepublic2009-04-03 10:532012-02-29 10:56
0000687: violation add => invalide MAC format
[root@localhost pf]# ./bin/pfcmd 'violation add mac="00:00:00:00:00:04",vid="2001812",status="open",notes=""'
Uncaught exception from user code:
    invalid MAC format, not 12 characters in hexadecimal MAC "1" at /usr/local/pf/lib/pf/ line 252
 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Net/ line 544
    Net::MAC::error('Net::MAC=HASH(0xb17f5dc)', 'invalid MAC format, not 12 characters in hexadecimal MAC "1"') called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Net/ line 310
    Net::MAC::_find_bit_group('Net::MAC=HASH(0xb17f5dc)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Net/ line 221
    Net::MAC::_discover('Net::MAC=HASH(0xb17f5dc)') called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Net/ line 44
    Net::MAC::new('Net::MAC', 'mac', 1) called at /usr/local/pf/lib/pf/ line 252
    pf::locationlog::locationlog_view_open_mac(1) called at ./bin/pfcmd line 2490
    main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment(1, 'violation_add') called at ./bin/pfcmd line 1730
    main::command_param('violation') called at ./bin/pfcmd line 172
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related to 0000651closed user4 violation deletion 
Issue History
2009-04-03 10:53user4New Issue
2009-04-03 10:53user4Statusnew => assigned
2009-04-03 10:53user4Assigned To => user4
2009-04-03 12:46user4Relationship addedrelated to 0000651
2009-04-03 12:48user4Statusassigned => closed
2009-04-03 12:48user4Note Added: 0001217
2009-04-03 12:48user4Resolutionopen => fixed
2010-04-15 17:56obilodeauCategory1.8.2 => 1.8.x
2012-02-29 10:56obilodeauCategory1.8.x => core

2009-04-03 12:48   
fixed in mtn revision ecaf53716723c2c032f1cd14d268eb16b442f39b