PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000694PacketFencecorepublic2009-04-28 13:012012-02-29 10:56
0000694: Start Date and Time and End Date in reports
Packetfence 1.8.2 runing on Centos 5.3.
I have found a bug in selecting Start Date and Time and End Date and Time in the following reports section: IP-MAC History, Accounting (switch), Accounting (MAC), Accounting (User),.
If you try to select a Start Date and Time pressing the calendar button the selected date will be put in the End Date and Time fiel; if you try to select an End Date and Time pressing the calendar buttton nothin appens.
The problems in that both the buttons have the same name button_time in the same section in /usr/local/pf/html/admin/status/reports.php, the solution is rename the second button_time as button_time1.
I have tested the following patch and it works.
Mario Varelli
--- reports.php.orig 2009-04-28 13:05:47.000000000 +0200
+++ reports.php 2009-04-28 13:09:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
       <td>End Date and Time (optional)</td>
- <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time') ?></td>
+ <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e1">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time1') ?></td>
       <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Query History"></td>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
       <td>End Date and Time (optional)</td>
- <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time') ?></td>
+ <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e1">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time1') ?></td>
       <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Query IfOctets History"></td>
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
       <td>End Date and Time (optional)</td>
- <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time') ?></td>
+ <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e1">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time1') ?></td>
       <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Query IfOctets History"></td>
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
       <td>End Date and Time (optional)</td>
- <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time') ?></td>
+ <td><input id='end_time' name="end_time" value="<?=$_REQUEST['end_time']?>"><button type="reset" id="button_tim
e1">...</button> <?php show_calendar_with_button('end_time', 'button_time1') ?></td>
       <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Query IfOctets History"></td>
No tags attached.
Issue History
2009-04-28 13:01user4New Issue
2009-04-28 13:01user4Statusnew => assigned
2009-04-28 13:01user4Assigned To => user4
2009-04-28 13:09user4Statusassigned => closed
2009-04-28 13:09user4Note Added: 0001226
2009-04-28 13:09user4Resolutionopen => fixed
2010-04-15 17:55obilodeauCategory1.8.3 => 1.8.x
2012-02-29 10:56obilodeauCategory1.8.x => core

2009-04-28 13:09   
fixed in mtn revision 571afa933ccfd0affafef9d83341bcfad9953144