PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
View Issue Details
0000794PacketFencecorepublic2009-09-04 16:542012-02-29 10:58
normalminorhave not tried
0000794: Create dynamically the static routes for all routed VLANs
In case of routed VLANs, PacketFence receives requests (HTTP for registration or isolation) from routed VLANs it does not have access to.
In order for PackefFence to know where to send back the information we manually create static routes.

Since we declare routed VLANs in networks.conf, we have all the necessary to automaticaly create those routes.
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Issue History
2009-09-04 16:54rbalzardNew Issue
2009-10-09 15:26rbalzardStatusnew => assigned
2009-10-09 15:26rbalzardAssigned To => rbalzard
2009-10-09 16:14rbalzardCategory1.8.5 => future
2009-11-30 16:48obilodeauNote Added: 0001425
2009-11-30 16:48obilodeauStatusassigned => resolved
2009-11-30 16:48obilodeauResolutionopen => fixed
2011-01-26 15:43obilodeauStatusresolved => closed
2012-02-29 10:58obilodeauCategoryfuture => core

2009-11-30 16:48   
was fixed by Regis in monotone rev: 8b56a616dec9f163c8317dfbd5c58eb09954953f
released in version 1.8.5