PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000799PacketFenceconfigurationpublic2009-09-14 16:572012-10-19 15:15
resolvedwon't fix 
0000799: Expose visitor cleanup as a pfcmd command instead of asking users to run SQL straight to the db
For consistency, we should always expose our software's capability through our pfcmd and web interfaces. Raw SQL on the db is not the way to go.

Unfortunately, right now, to de-register all visitors at night, one must do something like:
mysql -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PWD $DB_NAME -e "update node set status='unreg' where pid='visitor';"

We should have something in pfcmd to do that. (Maybe we already have?)
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Issue History
2009-09-14 16:57obilodeauNew Issue
2009-09-14 16:58obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2009-09-14 16:58obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2009-11-30 15:37obilodeauNote Added: 0001422
2009-11-30 15:42obilodeauCategoryfuture => 1.8.6
2009-11-30 15:42obilodeauNote Added: 0001423
2009-12-01 11:16obilodeauNote Added: 0001430
2009-12-01 11:16obilodeauProjectPacketFence => PacketFence 1.9
2009-12-01 12:29obilodeauCategory1.8.6 => 1.9.0
2010-04-15 17:43obilodeauProjectPacketFence 1.9 => PacketFence
2010-05-05 17:48obilodeauNote Added: 0001559
2010-05-05 17:48obilodeauCategory1.9.0 => feature
2010-05-05 17:48obilodeauTarget Version => 1.10.0
2010-11-19 14:25obilodeauTarget Version1.10.0 => 2.0.0
2011-01-18 09:47obilodeauTarget Version2.0.0 => 2.1.0
2011-03-03 15:16obilodeauTarget Version2.1.0 => +1
2011-03-03 15:18obilodeauTarget Version+1 => +2
2012-02-29 10:55obilodeauCategoryfeature => configuration
2012-10-19 14:12fgaudreaultNote Added: 0003186
2012-10-19 14:12fgaudreaultStatusassigned => resolved
2012-10-19 14:12fgaudreaultResolutionopen => won't fix
2012-10-19 15:15fgaudreaultAssigned Toobilodeau =>
2012-10-19 15:15fgaudreaultTarget Versionlong-term =>

2009-11-30 15:37   
check for the various ways to expire nodes in pf.conf.defaults or documentation.conf
2009-11-30 15:42   
triaged for 1.8.6
2009-12-01 11:16   
Need more work and we will probably break config compatibility, moving to 1.9x.
2010-05-05 17:48   
Now that we have node categories, we could look into doing per-category node expiration or something similar.

Marked as a feature and re-targeted for 1.10.x
2012-10-19 14:12   
Use unregdate.