PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000824PacketFenceupstreampublic2009-10-26 09:562015-02-13 15:24
lowminorhave not tried
0000824: dot nessus files require to store credentials in plaintext
Maybe we can use local linux auth to accomplish better security of the credentials. Although one have to keep in mind that the system is not accessible by end users so its pretty safe there anyway.
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Issue History
2009-10-26 09:56obilodeauNew Issue
2009-10-26 09:57obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2009-10-26 09:57obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2011-01-18 11:58obilodeauCategoryfuture => upstream
2011-01-18 12:02obilodeauTarget Version => 2.1.0
2011-03-03 15:15obilodeauTarget Version2.1.0 => +1
2011-03-03 15:18obilodeauTarget Version+1 => +2
2015-02-13 15:24lmunroNote Added: 0003666
2015-02-13 15:24lmunroStatusassigned => closed

2015-02-13 15:24   
These issues are too old to still be relevant.

Let's start anew.