PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000847PacketFenceerror-handlingpublic2009-11-12 11:062011-01-26 15:39
0000847: error handling: grammar validation errors
As soon as there is a parsing problem in what is provided on pfcmd's CLI, we spit out the help with no error message. This is already confusing but its getting worse when its the web admin that uses pfcmd. The result is that it silently fails!

We should report grammar parsing errors to the CLI with a message like invalid parameters passed or something like that.

Plus, we should provide a line # to trigger the error reporting code of the web admin (its a hack, we know but before proper error handling its the best we can do).
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has duplicate 0000785closed obilodeau when the grammar doesn't validate, it causes pfcmd calls to fail silently 
Issue History
2009-11-12 11:06obilodeauNew Issue
2009-11-12 11:06obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2009-11-12 11:06obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2010-02-12 12:22obilodeauProjectPacketFence => PacketFence 1.9
2010-02-12 12:34obilodeauNote Added: 0001470
2010-02-12 12:34obilodeauStatusassigned => resolved
2010-02-12 12:34obilodeauResolutionopen => fixed
2010-02-12 12:37obilodeauFixed in Version => 1.9.0
2010-02-12 12:37obilodeauTarget Version => 1.9.0
2010-02-12 12:37obilodeauCategory1.8.5 => error-handling
2010-04-15 17:43obilodeauProjectPacketFence 1.9 => PacketFence
2010-09-08 14:07obilodeauRelationship addedhas duplicate 0000785
2011-01-26 15:39obilodeauStatusresolved => closed

2010-02-12 12:34   
fixed in monotone branch 1.9 rev no: 5e5455631a96474880d38d3e4330e38d1543e7b3

Was not applied to 1.8 because of potential problems with internal use of pfcmd not expecting a different message.