PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000878PacketFencerefactoringpublic2009-12-10 17:472012-10-19 10:21
closedwon't fix 
0000878: folders in var/ created if not exist in pfcmd's sanity check
it just doesn't make sense to provide empty folders in an rpm.

Remove the lines from packetfence.spec:

%dir /usr/local/pf/var/rrd
%dir /usr/local/pf/var/session

Then we will be able to have a nicer mtn-ignore with var/ instead of individual stuff in there.
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Issue History
2009-12-10 17:47obilodeauNew Issue
2009-12-10 17:47obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2009-12-10 17:47obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2010-04-15 17:43obilodeauProjectPacketFence 1.9 => PacketFence
2010-05-05 09:44obilodeauCategory1.9.0 => refactoring
2010-05-05 09:44obilodeauTarget Version => 1.10.0
2010-11-19 14:25obilodeauTarget Version1.10.0 => 2.0.0
2011-01-18 09:47obilodeauTarget Version2.0.0 => 2.1.0
2011-03-03 15:16obilodeauTarget Version2.1.0 => +1
2011-03-03 15:18obilodeauTarget Version+1 => +2
2011-03-17 15:11fgaudreaultNote Added: 0001939
2011-03-17 15:18fgaudreaultNote Added: 0001940
2011-03-17 15:18fgaudreaultStatusassigned => resolved
2011-03-17 15:18fgaudreaultResolutionopen => won't fix
2011-05-04 11:51obilodeauStatusresolved => closed
2012-10-19 10:21fgaudreaultAssigned Toobilodeau =>
2012-10-19 10:21fgaudreaultTarget Version+2 =>

2011-03-17 15:11   

We provide the var/conf var/dhcpd now as well. I guess this is no more an issue. What do you think?
2011-03-17 15:18   
We will look at this problem later on. For now, we consider it fair to do that.