PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000904PacketFencezenpublic2010-02-09 07:362011-01-26 15:43
0000904: Editting Networks and Switches not possible in Web gui, 1.8.7. ZEN
It is not possible to change/edit things in the web gui, because there are no tabs for Networks and Switches. If you type in url: http://ip-adres:1443/configuration/switches.php [^] then you get a warning, and can contact the page. But not change anything.
No tags attached.
related to 0000928closed rbalzard Networks sub-menu not visible under Configuration 
jpg switch_problem.JPG (190,861) 2010-03-01 10:39

? admin_debug_log (1,463,569) 2010-03-01 17:03
? admin_error_log (4,137) 2010-03-01 17:03
? file_check (1,683) 2010-03-01 17:03
Issue History
2010-02-09 07:36roelofNew Issue
2010-02-26 15:35obilodeauStatusnew => assigned
2010-02-26 15:35obilodeauAssigned To => obilodeau
2010-02-26 15:35obilodeauNote Added: 0001473
2010-02-26 15:36obilodeauCategory1.8.7 => zen
2010-02-26 15:36obilodeauProduct Version => 1.8.7
2010-02-26 15:36obilodeauTarget Version => 1.8.8
2010-03-01 10:39roelofFile Added: switch_problem.JPG
2010-03-01 10:39roelofNote Added: 0001477
2010-03-01 11:25obilodeauNote Added: 0001479
2010-03-01 17:03roelofFile Added: admin_debug_log
2010-03-01 17:03roelofFile Added: admin_error_log
2010-03-01 17:03roelofFile Added: file_check
2010-03-01 17:04roelofNote Added: 0001484
2010-03-02 12:47obilodeauNote Added: 0001485
2010-03-03 02:27roelofNote Added: 0001486
2010-03-03 09:13obilodeauNote Added: 0001487
2010-03-03 09:27roelofNote Added: 0001488
2010-03-04 14:09obilodeauNote Added: 0001494
2010-03-04 14:15obilodeauRelationship addedrelated to 0000928
2010-04-29 13:39obilodeauTarget Version1.8.8 => 1.9.0
2010-07-16 14:18rbalzardNote Added: 0001602
2010-07-16 14:18rbalzardAssigned Toobilodeau => rbalzard
2010-07-16 14:19rbalzardStatusassigned => resolved
2010-07-16 14:19rbalzardResolutionopen => fixed
2011-01-26 15:43obilodeauStatusresolved => closed

2010-02-26 15:35   
Can you post the error message or a screenshot?
2010-03-01 10:39   
Added a screenshot with error messages.
2010-03-01 11:25   
- Can you check the file owners and access rights in conf/ with:
ls -l /usr/local/pf/conf/

- Also can you post relevant portions of /usr/local/pf/logs/admin_debug_log and /usr/local/pf/logs/admin_error_log.

2010-03-01 17:04   
I added as requested. Thx for the quick response. In the file file_check is the listing off the directory.

2010-03-02 12:47   
You don't seem to be in VLAN isolation mode. What is your mode under Config -> Network -> network.mode?
2010-03-03 02:27   
When I look overthere it says "ARP" but when I change it, it doesn't change anything for the problem. Still no switches and network settings in Gui.
2010-03-03 09:13   
When you change the mode you need to restart packetfence. Also the admin interface hidden menus only changes when you log out / log in. (this in itself is a known problem)

Logout of the admin interface. Restart packetfence on the command line as root: service packetfence restart

and login back in
2010-03-03 09:27   
Ok, this solved partialy the problem. The hidden switches menu is now on top, but the networks menu is still not back. Thanks so far.
2010-03-04 14:09   
Are you sure you need access to the Networks tabs?

This is used for routed VLANs, an undocumented feature that has not been properly integrated yet.

You need that in the case where the PacketFence server doesn't have direct access to the VLANs it needs to integrate with. Using networks.conf allows for manual addition and removal of the network routes in the OS.

If you are unsure then you don't need it.

If you do, because of a bug (that i'll report later) the tab is not visible from the web ui. Edit /usr/local/pf/conf/networks.conf manually.
2010-07-16 14:18   
- the switch tab is now accessible
- the network tab will be accessible in v1.9.1 (see 0000928), I close this ticket