PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0000941PacketFencecorepublic2010-04-05 17:032015-02-18 10:55
normalminorhave not tried
0000941: The traplog table does not show up the number of traps received but the traps treated by PF. Which is slightly different !...
We created the traplog table in which we are supposed to store the traps received by PF.
From what I see in pfsetvlan, the traplog_insert() function is called only when PF actually does something on a trap.
This means that in this table we do NOT put numbers about the traps received but about traps treated by PF. Which is way different !!

I may have been totally confused since we created this table but the thing is that I dont care only about how many traps PF treated. yes I care about that but I do also care about how many traps PF received.
One of the reasons is that we have diagnosed many anomalies on different networks just by looking at the switches and ports that send an abnormally high number of traps.

Personnally I dont see the point of storing only treated traps.
Why dont we store all the traps received and then identify those who were treated or not.
traplog_insert() is called in signalHandlerTrapListQueued() after parseTrap() and after we flush all the ignored traps.
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Issue History
2010-04-05 17:03rbalzardNew Issue
2011-01-18 12:02obilodeauTarget Version => 2.1.0
2011-03-03 15:15obilodeauTarget Version2.1.0 => +1
2011-03-03 15:18obilodeauTarget Version+1 => +2
2012-02-29 10:58obilodeauCategoryfuture => core
2012-10-19 12:25fgaudreaultReporterrbalzard => 94jaccha95107
2012-10-19 12:25fgaudreaultTarget Versionlong-term => general
2012-10-19 12:25fgaudreaultReporter94jaccha95107 => fgaudreault
2015-02-18 10:55lmunroNote Added: 0003859
2015-02-18 10:55lmunroStatusnew => closed

2015-02-18 10:55   
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