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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000835PacketFencecorepublic2009-10-30 16:362012-02-29 10:58
Assigned Toobilodeau 
StatusclosedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000835: concurrency FAIL!
DescriptionI think we have a concurrency problem in violation_trigger when its called from pfsetvlan. Somehow I think the content of the @trigger_info array of hash-references is swapped when another thread hit a violation_trigger spot too.

I need to reproduce in a controlled environment before jumping to conclusions..
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
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-  Notes
obilodeau (reporter)
2011-01-18 11:50

Unable to reproduce issue. Feel free to re-open if you are able to reproduce.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-10-30 16:36 obilodeau New Issue
2009-10-30 16:37 obilodeau Status new => assigned
2009-10-30 16:37 obilodeau Assigned To => obilodeau
2011-01-18 11:50 obilodeau Note Added: 0001816
2011-01-18 11:50 obilodeau Status assigned => closed
2011-01-18 11:50 obilodeau Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2012-02-29 10:58 obilodeau Category future => core

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