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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000586PacketFencecorepublic2009-02-12 07:112012-02-29 10:57
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Product Versiondevel 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000586: networks config is not shown with an empty file
Descriptionif networks.conf is emtpy, ui.conf doesnt show the networks stub.

networks_add.php doesn't work due to:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/pf/html/admin/configuration/networks_add.php on line 46

pfcmd networkconfig add doesnt show a example config. so its hard to debug this thing for now

TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
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- Relationships
duplicate of 0000594closeduser4 sanity_check vlan.dhcpd/named vs networks.conf 

-  Notes
2009-02-12 07:19

In fact, I implemented this behavior by purpose for now ...

Here's my reasoning: the 'networks' are needed only in a small part of installations, i.e. when remote networks are routed to the PF machine and PF should provide DNS and/or DHCP services to them. So, I didn't want to confuse users by showing this in the web admin GUI ... unless they had already configured at least one network 'by hand', i.e. by editing manually conf/networks.conf.

Here's an example config for networks.conf:

maikel (reporter)
2009-02-12 08:02

Ok that makes sense now.
The issue is, when enabling the vlan.named and vlan.dhcp code, there should be a popup informing a user then. Then in the parser can then be altered to use networks.conf.

# This file is generated from a template at %%template%%
# Any changes made to this file will be lost on restart

$TTL 3600
. IN SOA %%hostname%%. %%incharge%% (
    2009020901 ; serial
    10800 ; refresh
    3600 ; retry
    604800 ; expire
    86400 ; default_ttl

       IN NS %%hostname%%.
*. IN A
       IN MX 5 %%hostname%%. IN PTR %%hostname%%

the ip address can be parsed from networks.conf then, making the template totally transparent. Now the user needs to give in information in more places, it makes it nicer and more compact then.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-02-12 07:11 maikel New Issue
2009-02-12 07:19 user4 Note Added: 0001100
2009-02-12 07:19 user4 Severity minor => feature
2009-02-12 07:19 user4 Category 1.8.0 => 1.8.1
2009-02-12 08:02 maikel Note Added: 0001104
2009-02-16 12:29 user4 Relationship added duplicate of 0000594
2009-02-16 12:29 user4 Status new => closed
2009-02-16 12:29 user4 Resolution open => duplicate
2010-04-15 17:54 obilodeau Category 1.8.1 => 1.8.x
2012-02-29 10:57 obilodeau Category 1.8.x => core

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