- 0001550: [configuration] ssl-certificates.conf file (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001317: [core] Nodes are beeing unreg if expire_mode set to window and no unreg date is set (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001591: [captive portal] Signup link availability issue (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001579: [captive portal] SMS confirmation page should return an error message if PIN is invalid (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001538: [core] Missing query for accounting violation (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001342: [configuration] have minimal radius logging and expose it on the web interface (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001423: [inline] Weird behavior with DNS and connection tracking in inline enforcement (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001584: [configuration] Having an inline network if you define an inline interface should be enforced (fdurand) - resolved. - 0001574: [configuration] Configurator should report success or failure of the MySQL start (dwuelfrath) - resolved. - 0001578: [configuration] Configurator appears to create the pf.conf with wrong privileges (dwuelfrath) - resolved. - 0001332: [web admin] Request to Edit node details under unregistered report - resolved. - 0001396: [configuration] bond interfaces causes virtual-ip detection to fail - resolved. - 0001495: [hardware modules] Printable MAC bug on SNMP GETs (dwuelfrath) - resolved. - 0001438: [core] perl 5.12+ and/or modern distro and setuid script (fgaudreault) - resolved. - 0001493: [error-handling] pfcmd_vlan return code always success even on error - resolved. - 0001433: [i18n] get rid of our domain in packetfence's gettext (PO) files - resolved. - 0001465: [i18n] captive portal show odd strings - resolved. - 0001508: [configuration] get rid of catalyst' default page (francis) - resolved. - 0001545: [dhcp] pfdhcplistener management regressions - resolved. - 0001366: [captive portal] Captive portal - self registration by email - access granted (obilodeau) - resolved. - 0001380: [doc] wrong documentation for the use of setVlanByName (obilodeau) - resolved. - 0001539: [inline] iptables flush on restart (fdurand) - closed. [22 issues]