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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001129PacketFencezenpublic2010-11-25 15:202011-01-26 15:43
Assigned Tofgaudreault 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version2.0.0Fixed in Version 
Summary0001129: re-evaluate VM memory requirements
DescriptionBecause of mod_perl turned on by default and the FreeRADIUS server turned on by default, we need to re-evaluate whether we should give more RAM to the VM by default before next release of PacketFence-ZEN.
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
Attached Files

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-  Notes
fgaudreault (viewer)
2010-12-20 09:22

Assigned 1GB in the VMX/OVF templates.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-11-25 15:20 obilodeau New Issue
2010-12-20 09:22 fgaudreault Note Added: 0001790
2010-12-20 09:22 fgaudreault Status new => resolved
2010-12-20 09:22 fgaudreault Resolution open => fixed
2010-12-20 09:22 fgaudreault Assigned To => fgaudreault
2011-01-26 15:43 obilodeau Status resolved => closed

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