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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001272PacketFenceerror-handlingpublic2011-09-20 10:382015-02-13 15:39
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.2.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001272: pfcmd checkup non-zero return value if everything isok
Descriptionpfcmd checkup always returns non-zero values.
This can cause premature exits if shell scripts use set -e.

This return value seems OK:
Checking configuration sanity...
FATAL - internal network(s) not defined!
root@ar:/usr/local/pf/bin# echo $?

This return value does not seem to be OK:
root@ar:/usr/local/pf/bin# ./pfcmd checkup
Checking configuration sanity...
Nothing to report.
root@ar:/usr/local/pf/bin# echo $?
Additional Informationsmall script to test:
set -e
/usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd checkup
echo "If you can read this, exit status is 0"

sed -i 's/exit(1)/exit(0)/' pfcmd
(only tested in conjunction with pfcmd checkup).
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
obilodeau (reporter)
2011-09-20 11:02

lmunro (administrator)
2015-02-13 15:39

Closing old bugs.
If we haven't fixed them in four years they are either not a bug, no longer relevant or not worth it.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-09-20 10:38 psnizek New Issue
2011-09-20 11:02 obilodeau Note Added: 0002229
2011-09-20 11:02 obilodeau Priority normal => low
2011-09-20 11:02 obilodeau Category refactoring => error-handling
2011-09-20 11:02 obilodeau Target Version => +1
2015-02-13 15:39 lmunro Note Added: 0003773
2015-02-13 15:39 lmunro Status new => closed

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