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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000388PacketFencecorepublic2008-09-16 16:372012-02-29 10:57
Assigned Torbalzard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000388: support for SSH connections
Descriptionin addition to telnet connections, we should support SSH connections to switches
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
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- Relationships
related to 0000379closedrbalzard Net::Appliance::Session 

-  Notes
2008-09-19 08:59

mtn revision c6fe69a50bcb2a5d4ddd7b639454b357b821f405
2008-09-19 08:59

could you do the necessary tests to make sure everything works ?

rbalzard (administrator)
2009-01-21 16:41
edited on: 2009-01-21 16:43

I enabled SSH on our test switch. I am now able to connect to the switch through SSH.

Switches.conf is ok.

First tests do not work. Here is what we get when executing (which uses CLI to 'show mac-address-table'):

[root@pf pf]# ./test/
 - sysUptime: 6 hours, 37:16.54
 - nb Vlans : 8
 - Uplinks: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Undefined subroutine &Net::Appliance::Session::Transport::WNOHANG called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Net/Appliance/Session/ line 66.
END failed--call queue aborted (0000001)
    (F) The subroutine indicated hasn't been defined, or if it was, it has
    since been undefined.

Uncaught exception from user code:
        Undefined subroutine &Net::Appliance::Session::Transport::WNOHANG called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Net/Appliance/Session/ line 66.
END failed--call queue aborted.
 at ./test/ line 0
Unbalanced scopes: 4 more ENTERs than LEAVEs
Unbalanced saves: 140 more saves than restores
Unbalanced tmps: 2 more allocs than frees

After a couple of prints, it looks like the problem appears when sending the command to the CLI. Line 857 in
my @tmp = $session->cmd($command);

2009-01-22 11:36

I notified Oliver Gorwits, the Net::Appliance::Session maintainer, about the issue
2009-01-23 06:18

Regis, the issue should be fixed in Net::Appliance::Session 1.36

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-09-16 16:37 user4 New Issue
2008-09-16 16:37 user4 Status new => assigned
2008-09-16 16:37 user4 Assigned To => user4
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Status assigned => resolved
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Resolution open => fixed
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Note Added: 0000805
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Assigned To user4 => rbalzard
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Status resolved => feedback
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Resolution fixed => reopened
2008-09-19 08:59 user4 Note Added: 0000806
2008-09-19 09:00 user4 Relationship added related to 0000379
2008-10-31 14:26 user4 Category => 1.8.0
2009-01-21 16:41 rbalzard Note Added: 0001024
2009-01-21 16:43 rbalzard Note Edited: 0001024
2009-01-22 11:36 user4 Note Added: 0001030
2009-01-23 06:18 user4 Note Added: 0001033
2009-01-26 12:48 user4 Status feedback => closed
2009-01-26 12:48 user4 Resolution reopened => fixed
2010-04-15 17:53 obilodeau Category 1.8.0 => 1.8.x
2012-02-29 10:57 obilodeau Category 1.8.x => core

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