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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000697PacketFencecorepublic2009-05-07 08:402012-02-29 10:56
Assigned Touser4 
PlatformOSOS Version
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000697: manage vclose insecure dependency
Description-sh-3.2$ ./bin/pfcmd manage vclose 52:54:00:12:35:02 2000334
Insecure dependency in system while running setgid at ./bin/pfcmd line 2518 (0000001)
    (F) You tried to do something that the tainting mechanism didn't like.
    The tainting mechanism is turned on when you're running setuid or
    setgid, or when you specify -T to turn it on explicitly. The
    tainting mechanism labels all data that's derived directly or indirectly
    from the user, who is considered to be unworthy of your trust. If any
    such data is used in a "dangerous" operation, you get this error. See
    perlsec for more information.
Uncaught exception from user code:
    Insecure dependency in system while running setgid at ./bin/pfcmd line 2518.
 at ./bin/pfcmd line 2518
    main::generate_switchport_vlan_assignment('52:54:00:12:35:02', 'manage_vclose') called at ./bin/pfcmd line 224
    main::manage() called at ./bin/pfcmd line 113
    main::__ANON__() called at ./bin/pfcmd line 142
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
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-  Notes
2009-05-07 08:57

fixed in mtn revision 8a3c09485a212483dff1665000395b96157f6800

( [^])

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-05-07 08:40 user4 New Issue
2009-05-07 08:40 user4 Status new => assigned
2009-05-07 08:40 user4 Assigned To => user4
2009-05-07 08:57 user4 Status assigned => closed
2009-05-07 08:57 user4 Note Added: 0001231
2009-05-07 08:57 user4 Resolution open => fixed
2010-04-15 17:55 obilodeau Category 1.8.3 => 1.8.x
2012-02-29 10:56 obilodeau Category 1.8.x => core

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