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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000723PacketFencepublic2009-06-10 10:092009-06-10 11:19
Assigned Touser4 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000723: add check that documentation.conf and pf.conf.defaults contain same set of options
Descriptionpf.conf.defaults and documentation.conf should always contain the exact same set of possible configuration options
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
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-  Notes
2009-06-10 11:19

fixed in mtn revision 5d50d050848b90cc2b04d7760795558874897a99

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-06-10 10:09 user4 New Issue
2009-06-10 10:09 user4 Status new => assigned
2009-06-10 10:09 user4 Assigned To => user4
2009-06-10 11:19 user4 Note Added: 0001269
2009-06-10 11:19 user4 Status assigned => closed
2009-06-10 11:19 user4 Resolution open => fixed

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