PacketFence 3.4.1 released
June 18, 2012

The Inverse Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of PacketFence 3.4.1. This is a minor release with critical bug fixes. This release is considered ready for production use and users running 3.4.0 are strongly advised to upgrade.

Here are the changes in 3.4.1:

Bug Fixes

  • Regression in interface, network, floating-device and violation management in Admin and CLI (#1468)
  • Load-balancer support: Apache Access List are now updated to allow them to reach the portal
  • Debian: missing dependency preventing Apache (captive portal, webadmin) to start


  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation (Thanks to Diego de Souza Lopes)

… and more. See the ChangeLog file for the complete list of changes and the UPGRADE file for notes about upgrading. Both files are in the PacketFence distribution.


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