PacketFence v4.5.1 released
November 10, 2014

The Inverse team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of PacketFence 4.5.1. This is a minor release with new features, enhancements and important bug fixes. This release is considered ready for production use and upgrading from 4.5.0 is advised.

Here are the changes in v4.5.1:

New Features

  • Added compliance enforcement to OPSWAT GEARS provisioner


  • Make Cisco web authentication sessions use less memory
  • Internationalized the provisioners templates

Bug Fixes

  • Fix node pagination when sorting
  • Fix provisioners that were not enforced on external authentication sources
  • Fix IBM and Symantec provisioners configuration form

See the complete list of changes and the UPGRADE.asciidoc file for notes about upgrading.

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