PacketFence 13.2 released
May 15, 2024

The Inverse team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of PacketFence 13.2 - a minor release bringing interesting improvements!

Here’s the complete list of changes included in this release:

New Features

  • Add filtering and actions to Provisioning (#8033)
  • Add Remote MySQL Database Support (#8038)
  • Add logic for processing pfflows in pfcron (#8049)
  • Add JAMF Cloud support (#8060)


  • ProxySQL updated to 2.6.0 (#8058)
  • Adapted the LDAP search filter in FreeRADIUS to do the sAMAccountName lookup (#8000)
  • Moved Extreme switches to OS-based modules (#8010)
  • Moved Juniper switches to OS-based modules (#8011)
  • Moved Meraki switches to OS-based modules (#8018)
  • Removed outdated Cisco Catalyst switch modules (#8027)
  • Support for FQDN switch id (#8022)
  • Cisco 9800 documentation (#8009)
  • Added NT Key Cache for NTLM-Auth-API (#8044)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes error message in portal on non HASH variable for DPSK (#8068)
  • Send username, ip and role to PaloAlto Firewall SSO payload (#8089)
  • Restore original config file if patch is failing (#8072)
  • Fix Cisco::Cisco_IOS_12_x NAS-Port-Type=Async (#7924)
  • Fix Captive Portal on Fortigate Switches (#7436)

See the complete list of changes and the upgrade guide file for notes about upgrading.

This release is considered ready for production use and upgrading from previous versions is strongly advised.

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